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Tuesday, February 25

12:40pm IST

Session XXV: In-Conversation: India’s Digital Leap: How Tech and Data Are Reshaping the Economy for a Billion+
Tuesday February 25, 2025 12:40pm - 1:05pm IST
Imagine a nation where technology doesn’t just change industries but transforms lives. India, at the heart of this digital revolution, is using innovation to reshape its future. From fintech to e-commerce, healthcare to education, the country is harnessing the power of data to fuel economic growth, financial inclusion, and societal progress. This is the story of how India’s digital transformation is not just a trend, but a force that will propel the nation forward into a new era of opportunity and progress.
Tuesday February 25, 2025 12:40pm - 1:05pm IST
Main Ballroom I, II, III

2:00pm IST

Edge Dialogues | Tech Services 2.0: Shaping Tomorrow (Ballroom III) | Session 1C: In-Conversation: The Data Crisis: Can We Survive a World Without Information?
Tuesday February 25, 2025 2:00pm - 2:25pm IST
Imagine a world where the data that fuels everything, from decisions to innovations, suddenly runs dry. In this session, we’ll explore the consequences of a data drought and what happens when the flow of information halts. As industries, economies, and technologies become increasingly dependent on data, can we afford to lose it?
Tuesday February 25, 2025 2:00pm - 2:25pm IST
Ballroom III
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