About me
Bernard Gavgani began his career in 1982 and successively supported several companies in the design and management of IT projects, exercising the responsibilities of Head of Technical Services, consultant or project manager. He joined BNP Paribas Group in 1990 at CIB-Capital Markets IT department and continued his career at Inspection Générale in 1999. In 2000, he became General Secretary of BNP Paribas Arbitrage, then Chief Operating Officer of the Equity Derivatives business in 2003, and Global Head of Information Technology and Operations of CIB in 2009 where he was pivotal in leading the industrialization of the Global enterprise. In 2018, he became Group Chief Information Officer and joined the BNP Paribas Group Executive Committee in 2021. He is functionally responsible for the Information Systems strategy of the Group including almost 47000 IT employees worldwide. One of his main missions is to strategize, contribute and oversee the digitalization and modernization of the Bank, its’ Information Systems and Organization bringing benefits both internally and externally to its clients.Bernard Gavgani is an IT engineer, graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Sloan School of Management and holds an Executive MBA from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Paris.